Monarchy, Patrimony, & Bitcoin | Prince Filip of Serbia Karađorđević

Andy Flattery & Prince Filip Karađorđević discuss the history of his storied family dynasty, dating back over two centuries, life as a royal in exile, and the promise that he sees in the Serbian people today. Filip explains why he supports bitcoin and the hope he has in leaving a family legacy for his son.

Guest: HRH Prince Filip, Hereditary Prince of Serbia and Yugoslavia, also known as Prince Filip Karađorđević, is the Chief Strategy Officer at JAN3, a technology company that helps nation-states, enterprises and individuals achieve sovereignty and prosperity through Bitcoin. As CSO, Prince Filip engages with high-level actors and oversees strategic initiatives to accelerate Bitcoin adoption worldwide. He previously worked as an analyst at a prestigious London-based global asset management firm, helping clients make vital capital allocation decisions. Prince Filip has over 15 years of experience in traditional finance.

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Background Reading:

 Democracy is more vindictive than Cabinets. The wars of peoples will be more terrible than those of kings. – Winston Churchill

Yugoslavia, in the nineties, experienced one of the worst episode of hyperinflation ever. You would expect them (the serbs) to understand that printing money is not the way forward…But people here see Bitcoin as something that’s controlled by foreigners. It’s just another foreign power trying to manipulate our people. They don’t understand that Bitcoin’s not controlled by anyone…It’s controlled by everyone. And they’re very skeptical… thanks to big forces NATO interfering with our sovereignty, breaking up the country. You would expect the Serbs to be kind of switched on to that, but no. The thing is, they are switched onto the fact of not being brainwashed anymore. They’re not as brainwashed as, as the west is right now. – Prince Filip Karađorđević

– Prince Filip of Serbia Karađorđević


Andrew Flattery, CFP®

Andy Flattery is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and Owner of Simple Wealth Planning. He serves young and affluent families that are working to lower their time preference and achieve financial sovereignty. Flattery is the host of The Reformed Financial Advisor Podcast, where he relates stories in Kansas City history to pivotal themes in personal finance. When he’s not helping individuals build wealth, you can catch him playing rec sports, reading Austrian economists, and spending time with his wife and three children.